Friday, February 26, 2010

Vinyl Quotes - Official Time of Death circa 2008

Dear DIY Decorators,

Enough is enough! Vinyl lettering does not belong on your walls, it belongs in the commercial world IE - signage. It is one thing in a public place where a person needs directions, it is another thing entirely to put it up on your home's walls to state the obvious, meaningless or cliche.

Examples: “Live Laugh Cry,” (ugh) or the obvious “Families are Forever" (blah).

It’s like a song on the radio that got too much airtime, it’s just played out. I would like to pronounce inspirational quotes, sayings, and all other types of vinyl lettering adhered to your residence DEAD.


MS. Lyle-Mason

PS - If you have-to-have-to have a quote on your wall. At least be unique and custom design it by finding an obscure quote that embodies you, and then I won’t mind so much.


  1. I hate anything cliche and this is definitely one of them. I'm sure who ever started this fad had good intentions and pulled it off with style, but it is really overdone. If you need to fill some space on your wall, how about hanging something of true artistic integrity, a photograph, a painting? Stop writing on your walls people.

  2. Most 'inspirational' quotes make me wanna barf. But I think there is potential to make something really unique and pleasantly unexpected. I have yet to see any evidence...

  3. I've been feeling that way most recently. I do however like some of the metallic wall tattoos. I said some.
